Jan. 2 – Feb. 21, 2025 (8 Weeks) | $300 / $275*

meets 2x week to Nordic ski at Bridger Creek golf Course

Don’t have time for our more committed Adult Masters program? This Eight Week Clinic is designed to more easily fit into your busy parenting/work/life schedule.  This program is tailored for anyone looking to improve their nordic skiing technique and enhance their fitness. If you’re new to the area or the sport, this program offers a fantastic opportunity to connect with fellow Nordic skiers while enjoying a fun winter activity.

Additionally, our 8-week program aligns perfectly with the U10 skiers’ schedule, making it convenient for parents. Drop off your child and join in the fun! .

We provide instruction in both skate and classic techniques, allowing you to choose your preferred style or do both.

DATES: Jan 2 - Feb 21, 2025

DISCOUNT RATE* | $275 for parents of child enrolled in U10 group
(Punch Pass not applicable)

LOCATION: Bridger Creek Golf Course

Tu  4:15 – 5:15 PM
Th  4:15 – 5:15 PM

Schedules are subject to change pending weather conditions.
Check TEAM REACH app for updates on locations, workout plans, and other communication.


  • Experienced Instructors: Structured program activities led by certified coaches. Instructors with longtime national and international Nordic coaching experience.

  • Winter Outdoor Activities: We aim to foster a love for winter and movement. 

  • On-Snow Training Sessions: Participants will ski varied terrain for their level. 

  • Technique Learning and Improvement: We focus on enhancing technique and skills. 

  • Weekly Schedule: A schedule with training details is emailed each week, with communications also on our TEAM REACH app.

Please contact us with any questions.